Monday 15 October 2012

1 Bens Blog


My name is Ben Roters and I am 8 years old. ( 9 On Sept 10th if anyone wants to get me a nice pressie ) Any way I have eventualy persuaded my Grandad to write a blog about me so I will give you a quick guided tour to bring you upto date


Ben Roters, and grandad
That's me and my Grandad


I think I may enter for Wimbledon next year

Look out Andy Murray


Then I'm going in for Junior Master Chef with my bangers and mash speciality

Ben Roters, cooking
Gordon Ramsey get a look at this


Looking good



Mmm yum yum


After all that work it's off to bed for a early night ,

Ben Roters
Night Night


I have a few girl friends This one is called Isobell

Ben Roters, with Isobell
Grandad's bike under the wing of Concorde


I also like swimming


Ben Roters, swimming
I'm also good at snorkelling


I have made a steam engine that works with a lot of help from grandad

Pass me the monkey wrench grandad


Full steam ahead






Anonymous said...

have a lovely time at disney world in florida. luv nana xxxx

Anonymous said...

i will

Anonymous said...

Hello Ben.
It's one of your girl friends here, isobell.

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely time Ben, missing you already. Love you loads love mum xx

Anonymous said...

Have a great time Ben love you loads, grandma xxxxx

Anonymous said...

looks like you are having fun
lots of love great grandma &great grandad brown xxx